Friday, June 12, 2015

FBN:Chapter 22~ Dragon's Breath

Korku reared up to meet the tom's attack, and the two cats fell into a clawing, biting frenzy. Korku scratched at the tom's shoulder, feeling blood well up under his claws. The tom hissed angrily and started to snap his jaws at Korku's neck. "Back off!" He snarled through clenched teeth, and forcefully shoved the tom off him. He instantly got up to face the tom again should he attack, but was rather confused when he saw the tom standing there. He was still arched for attack, but he did not make a move. He only looked at Korku with... dissapointment? "What the hell is your problem?" Korku hissed. Why is he looking at me like that? The tom flicked his tail with a scoff. "I really was expecting more from you. I thought I sensed it in you but.. guess I was mistaken. Your not the soul I thought you were." Korku looked at him, utterly bewildered. Sensed it? What is it? "What are you talking about?" Now the tom just looked annoyed. "Don't toy with me! Stop pretending as if you don't know what you are." Korku's heart sunk. Does he know something about me that I don't? "What I.. am? I'm a cat you idiot." He growled, trying to hide his growing anxiety. This just made the tom more teed off. "You really are stupid, aren't you? Can you not tell when another of our kind is nearby?! Were you raised by a moron?! I would think that every Darkened Soul knew how to do such a simple task!" Korku flattened his ears as the tom spoke, shocked by his words. Not only that, but he could swear that he was seeing... smoke coming of the cat's mouth as he grew angrier. "Darkened Soul?" The tom snarled, his patience hanging by threads. "Yes a Darkened Soul! I'm one, your one and-" His gaze flashed toward Lalin, who shrunk back. "She's an abomination. But that's not the point. The point is that I'm done with you feigning innocence!" Korku's eyes widened. He wasn't imagining the smoke now, it was puffing out of the tom's mouth, clear as day, with a faint yellow glow rising from behind. Not only that, but the tom's fur was moving unnaturally, like something was shifting under the skin. And his eyes now seemed more lizard-like in appearance, with the pupils merely thin slits of black on a glowing amber sphere. He moved a sharp-taloned claw forward menacingly with a deep growl. "Let's stop playing around and get the real fight started!"