Tuesday, May 6, 2014

FBN: Chapter 20~Shadows In The Trees

After one day had passed, Korku, Grif, and Lalin were continuing their quest through the woods. It was about sunhigh when Korku felt his neck fur prick. It feels like someone's watching me. He thought anxiously, his gaze flicking from tree to tree. Then his eye picked up a shadowy figure, which immediately darted into the bushes. "What was that?" Lalin whispered, her fur begin to fluff up. Grif's ears swiveled around, listening intently. Korku crouched down, narrowing his eyes. "Stay alert." He growled. Another rustle in the bushes, another shadow flashing past, and Korku whipped around. "Come out coward! Show yourself!" He snarled aloud, then waited. A few heartbeats later, the bushes rustled again, but this time, the shadow stepped out. As it entered the sunlight, Korku could clearly see it's features. It was a tom, thick-muscled and tough. His pelt was a light gray, with a black tail and black patches along his spine. Korku puffed up his chest and approached the cat head on. "You, what do you want and why are you following us?" The cat smirked and stared him down. "Why should I answer to you, little cat?" His voice was eerily smooth, with a slight emphasis on the s. Korku's gaze didn't falter. "You will tell me. Now." The cat laughed darkly and unsheathed his claws.  "Or what?"

FBN: Chapter 19~ A Walk In The Woods

"Whoa, whoa whoa. Slow down little brother." Korku halted as Grif stood in front of him. "How do you know they're not miles away from where I left them? They could be anywhere by now." Korku huffed. "I realize that, but that's a good of a place to start as any. Don't you want to see them again?" Grif rolled his eyes. "Of course I do, but Korku-" Lalin stepped up. "Now hang on, are you protesting to finding your own denmates?" Grif turned to her, fur fluffing up slightly. "Well, I- no, of course not!" Lalin nodded and padded to stand beside Korku. "Then we should do it. Besides, anywhere Korku goes, I'll follow. Not like I have anywhere else to go anyhow." She added more quietly. Korku tapped his tail to her shoulder, then quickly moved it away. "Look, Grif. I really want you to come. Please?" Grif looked at his paws in thought, then looked back up, laughing slightly. "There's no stopping you is there. All right then, let's go." Korku brightened and nodded, continuing on his walk. Lalin and Grif followed close behind. Korku breathed in deeply, relishing the forest air. This is what I should be doing. He thought. This is what I'll continue to do for as long as I can.