Thursday, November 6, 2014

FBN: Chapter 21~ Fighting Dirty

Grif stepped forward, despite Korku's protests. "Leave. Now." He snarled, sliding out his claws. The tom laughed. "Careful, you might pull a muscle. You think I'm afraid of you? Really?" He smirked, lashing his long black tail side to side. Grif growled, eyes blazing. "Maybe not, but you will be." Without warning, he tackled the tom, ripping his claws into his fur. The tom snarled and bit down on his shoulder. The two cats tumbled in a mess of fur and dust, and Korku's paws were itching to join, but the look of fear in Lalin's eyes rooted him in his place.  I need to make sure that tom keeps away. Lalin is not the kind to fight. Dang! Why can't she defend herself? His thoughts were broken off by Grif's yowl. He was skidding across the ground, a long scratch running down his face. The tom was stalking towards him, dark fire burning in his eyes. Alright, that's it! Korku flung himself in between the tom and his brother, spine arched and hissing. The tom smirked, blood glistening on his muzzle. "You want to fight now huh?" He crouched down. "That's fine, I wanted to fight you more anyways." Korku narrowed his eyes. "Then stop talking and let's just do it already." The tom hissed and charged toward him. Korku readied himself, facing his attacker. Another day, another danger. Well, that's fine by me. Bring it.

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