Friday, June 12, 2015

FBN:Chapter 22~ Dragon's Breath

Korku reared up to meet the tom's attack, and the two cats fell into a clawing, biting frenzy. Korku scratched at the tom's shoulder, feeling blood well up under his claws. The tom hissed angrily and started to snap his jaws at Korku's neck. "Back off!" He snarled through clenched teeth, and forcefully shoved the tom off him. He instantly got up to face the tom again should he attack, but was rather confused when he saw the tom standing there. He was still arched for attack, but he did not make a move. He only looked at Korku with... dissapointment? "What the hell is your problem?" Korku hissed. Why is he looking at me like that? The tom flicked his tail with a scoff. "I really was expecting more from you. I thought I sensed it in you but.. guess I was mistaken. Your not the soul I thought you were." Korku looked at him, utterly bewildered. Sensed it? What is it? "What are you talking about?" Now the tom just looked annoyed. "Don't toy with me! Stop pretending as if you don't know what you are." Korku's heart sunk. Does he know something about me that I don't? "What I.. am? I'm a cat you idiot." He growled, trying to hide his growing anxiety. This just made the tom more teed off. "You really are stupid, aren't you? Can you not tell when another of our kind is nearby?! Were you raised by a moron?! I would think that every Darkened Soul knew how to do such a simple task!" Korku flattened his ears as the tom spoke, shocked by his words. Not only that, but he could swear that he was seeing... smoke coming of the cat's mouth as he grew angrier. "Darkened Soul?" The tom snarled, his patience hanging by threads. "Yes a Darkened Soul! I'm one, your one and-" His gaze flashed toward Lalin, who shrunk back. "She's an abomination. But that's not the point. The point is that I'm done with you feigning innocence!" Korku's eyes widened. He wasn't imagining the smoke now, it was puffing out of the tom's mouth, clear as day, with a faint yellow glow rising from behind. Not only that, but the tom's fur was moving unnaturally, like something was shifting under the skin. And his eyes now seemed more lizard-like in appearance, with the pupils merely thin slits of black on a glowing amber sphere. He moved a sharp-taloned claw forward menacingly with a deep growl. "Let's stop playing around and get the real fight started!"

Thursday, November 6, 2014

FBN: Chapter 21~ Fighting Dirty

Grif stepped forward, despite Korku's protests. "Leave. Now." He snarled, sliding out his claws. The tom laughed. "Careful, you might pull a muscle. You think I'm afraid of you? Really?" He smirked, lashing his long black tail side to side. Grif growled, eyes blazing. "Maybe not, but you will be." Without warning, he tackled the tom, ripping his claws into his fur. The tom snarled and bit down on his shoulder. The two cats tumbled in a mess of fur and dust, and Korku's paws were itching to join, but the look of fear in Lalin's eyes rooted him in his place.  I need to make sure that tom keeps away. Lalin is not the kind to fight. Dang! Why can't she defend herself? His thoughts were broken off by Grif's yowl. He was skidding across the ground, a long scratch running down his face. The tom was stalking towards him, dark fire burning in his eyes. Alright, that's it! Korku flung himself in between the tom and his brother, spine arched and hissing. The tom smirked, blood glistening on his muzzle. "You want to fight now huh?" He crouched down. "That's fine, I wanted to fight you more anyways." Korku narrowed his eyes. "Then stop talking and let's just do it already." The tom hissed and charged toward him. Korku readied himself, facing his attacker. Another day, another danger. Well, that's fine by me. Bring it.


Hey readers! Um... well first off sorry I haven't posted for a while. School started up and I haven't been able to get on the computer as often as I'd like to, but I will try to get more active from this point on! I'll post the next chapter of the story as soon as I can okay? Thank you for listening. Bye!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

FBN: Chapter 20~Shadows In The Trees

After one day had passed, Korku, Grif, and Lalin were continuing their quest through the woods. It was about sunhigh when Korku felt his neck fur prick. It feels like someone's watching me. He thought anxiously, his gaze flicking from tree to tree. Then his eye picked up a shadowy figure, which immediately darted into the bushes. "What was that?" Lalin whispered, her fur begin to fluff up. Grif's ears swiveled around, listening intently. Korku crouched down, narrowing his eyes. "Stay alert." He growled. Another rustle in the bushes, another shadow flashing past, and Korku whipped around. "Come out coward! Show yourself!" He snarled aloud, then waited. A few heartbeats later, the bushes rustled again, but this time, the shadow stepped out. As it entered the sunlight, Korku could clearly see it's features. It was a tom, thick-muscled and tough. His pelt was a light gray, with a black tail and black patches along his spine. Korku puffed up his chest and approached the cat head on. "You, what do you want and why are you following us?" The cat smirked and stared him down. "Why should I answer to you, little cat?" His voice was eerily smooth, with a slight emphasis on the s. Korku's gaze didn't falter. "You will tell me. Now." The cat laughed darkly and unsheathed his claws.  "Or what?"

FBN: Chapter 19~ A Walk In The Woods

"Whoa, whoa whoa. Slow down little brother." Korku halted as Grif stood in front of him. "How do you know they're not miles away from where I left them? They could be anywhere by now." Korku huffed. "I realize that, but that's a good of a place to start as any. Don't you want to see them again?" Grif rolled his eyes. "Of course I do, but Korku-" Lalin stepped up. "Now hang on, are you protesting to finding your own denmates?" Grif turned to her, fur fluffing up slightly. "Well, I- no, of course not!" Lalin nodded and padded to stand beside Korku. "Then we should do it. Besides, anywhere Korku goes, I'll follow. Not like I have anywhere else to go anyhow." She added more quietly. Korku tapped his tail to her shoulder, then quickly moved it away. "Look, Grif. I really want you to come. Please?" Grif looked at his paws in thought, then looked back up, laughing slightly. "There's no stopping you is there. All right then, let's go." Korku brightened and nodded, continuing on his walk. Lalin and Grif followed close behind. Korku breathed in deeply, relishing the forest air. This is what I should be doing. He thought. This is what I'll continue to do for as long as I can.

Monday, April 28, 2014

FBN: Chapter 18~ New Traveler

"Lalin, this is-" Grif slapped his tail over Korku's mouth before he could say anything else. He dipped his head in respect. "Greetings, I am Grif, Korku's brother." Lalin looked to Grif, then to Korku, then back again. "Brother? If that's the case, then I am sorry for snapping." Grif lifted his head and grinned. "Nothing to apologize for, I assure you." Korku rolled his eyes and swatted his brother's tail away. "Stop flirting will ya?" He meowed in a fake annoyed tone. Grif chuckled and stepped away so he was behind Korku. "Alright pushy paws. Calm down." Lalin chuckled slightly, then picked up her herbs. "Now then, time to fix you up!" she chewed up the root and spread the polituce on his cuts. Korku hissed slightly at the burning it caused, but soon relaxed when it faded away. As soon as Lalin was done, Korku rose to his paw and turned to Grif. "Right then. Where's the last place you saw Lach or Iblis?" Grif blinked his eyes wide. "Uh-I don't know. Longs ways from here. Quite a few days away. It was at a...I think it was a twisted oak tree..." Korku nodded and looked around. "Which direction?" Grif flicked his gaze around, confused. "Aw..I don't remember. Toward where the sun rises I guess." Korku turned to the direction where the sun had risen earlier and began to stride off, Grif and Lalin soon scrambling to catch up with him. "Korku, where are we going?" Lalin asked. Korku's eyes glowed with determination and certainty as he meowed, "We're going to find my kin."

Monday, April 21, 2014

FBN: Chapter 17~ Family Reunion

"Korku?" The tom asked again, but Korku just stared uneasily at him. "Do I...know you?" He growled. The tom tipped his head to one side. "I should think so." Korku's mind was blank. "Really? Are you sure you don't have me mistaken for someone else?" The tom circled him, sniffing. "Nope, I know exactly who you are. You surely can't have forgotten me?" Korku sighed and rolled his eyes. "I really don't know." The tom sat in front of him, a bit of hurt showing in his eyes. "I can't believe you could forget your own brother!" Korku froze, memories rushing back from his kithood. Wait..wait...yes! He was there! How could I not recognize him? "Grif! Is that you?" The tom perked up and nodded. "You remember! Korku! I can't believe it, I thought you were dead!" He purred, licking his younger brother's face. Korku laughed and pulled away, flicking his ears with his tail. "Grif, I've missed you and Iblis and Lach! Have you seen them? Recently?" Grif sighed and shook his head. "No...we got split up about...maybe 6 moons ago. I don't know where they are. Hey..Korku.." He sniffed again. "You're bleeding! What happened?" Korku shrugged, wincing slightly. "Rats. I handled it though." Grif laughed, his tail whipping back and forth. Korku's fur bristled. "What? What's so funny?" Grif laughed more then said, "Nothing, just- last time I saw you you were the runt. Now you're bigger than I am! How'd that happen?" Korku grinned and chuckled. "I don't know, maybe I was never the runt in the first place." Grif opened his jaws to speak, when Lalin pushed through the bushes. She dropped the burdock root she was carrying and meowed calmly but accusingly at Grif, "Who is this??"