Monday, April 21, 2014

FBN: Chapter 17~ Family Reunion

"Korku?" The tom asked again, but Korku just stared uneasily at him. "Do I...know you?" He growled. The tom tipped his head to one side. "I should think so." Korku's mind was blank. "Really? Are you sure you don't have me mistaken for someone else?" The tom circled him, sniffing. "Nope, I know exactly who you are. You surely can't have forgotten me?" Korku sighed and rolled his eyes. "I really don't know." The tom sat in front of him, a bit of hurt showing in his eyes. "I can't believe you could forget your own brother!" Korku froze, memories rushing back from his kithood. Wait..wait...yes! He was there! How could I not recognize him? "Grif! Is that you?" The tom perked up and nodded. "You remember! Korku! I can't believe it, I thought you were dead!" He purred, licking his younger brother's face. Korku laughed and pulled away, flicking his ears with his tail. "Grif, I've missed you and Iblis and Lach! Have you seen them? Recently?" Grif sighed and shook his head. "No...we got split up about...maybe 6 moons ago. I don't know where they are. Hey..Korku.." He sniffed again. "You're bleeding! What happened?" Korku shrugged, wincing slightly. "Rats. I handled it though." Grif laughed, his tail whipping back and forth. Korku's fur bristled. "What? What's so funny?" Grif laughed more then said, "Nothing, just- last time I saw you you were the runt. Now you're bigger than I am! How'd that happen?" Korku grinned and chuckled. "I don't know, maybe I was never the runt in the first place." Grif opened his jaws to speak, when Lalin pushed through the bushes. She dropped the burdock root she was carrying and meowed calmly but accusingly at Grif, "Who is this??"

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