Monday, April 28, 2014

FBN: Chapter 18~ New Traveler

"Lalin, this is-" Grif slapped his tail over Korku's mouth before he could say anything else. He dipped his head in respect. "Greetings, I am Grif, Korku's brother." Lalin looked to Grif, then to Korku, then back again. "Brother? If that's the case, then I am sorry for snapping." Grif lifted his head and grinned. "Nothing to apologize for, I assure you." Korku rolled his eyes and swatted his brother's tail away. "Stop flirting will ya?" He meowed in a fake annoyed tone. Grif chuckled and stepped away so he was behind Korku. "Alright pushy paws. Calm down." Lalin chuckled slightly, then picked up her herbs. "Now then, time to fix you up!" she chewed up the root and spread the polituce on his cuts. Korku hissed slightly at the burning it caused, but soon relaxed when it faded away. As soon as Lalin was done, Korku rose to his paw and turned to Grif. "Right then. Where's the last place you saw Lach or Iblis?" Grif blinked his eyes wide. "Uh-I don't know. Longs ways from here. Quite a few days away. It was at a...I think it was a twisted oak tree..." Korku nodded and looked around. "Which direction?" Grif flicked his gaze around, confused. "Aw..I don't remember. Toward where the sun rises I guess." Korku turned to the direction where the sun had risen earlier and began to stride off, Grif and Lalin soon scrambling to catch up with him. "Korku, where are we going?" Lalin asked. Korku's eyes glowed with determination and certainty as he meowed, "We're going to find my kin."

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