Monday, April 28, 2014

FBN: Chapter 18~ New Traveler

"Lalin, this is-" Grif slapped his tail over Korku's mouth before he could say anything else. He dipped his head in respect. "Greetings, I am Grif, Korku's brother." Lalin looked to Grif, then to Korku, then back again. "Brother? If that's the case, then I am sorry for snapping." Grif lifted his head and grinned. "Nothing to apologize for, I assure you." Korku rolled his eyes and swatted his brother's tail away. "Stop flirting will ya?" He meowed in a fake annoyed tone. Grif chuckled and stepped away so he was behind Korku. "Alright pushy paws. Calm down." Lalin chuckled slightly, then picked up her herbs. "Now then, time to fix you up!" she chewed up the root and spread the polituce on his cuts. Korku hissed slightly at the burning it caused, but soon relaxed when it faded away. As soon as Lalin was done, Korku rose to his paw and turned to Grif. "Right then. Where's the last place you saw Lach or Iblis?" Grif blinked his eyes wide. "Uh-I don't know. Longs ways from here. Quite a few days away. It was at a...I think it was a twisted oak tree..." Korku nodded and looked around. "Which direction?" Grif flicked his gaze around, confused. "Aw..I don't remember. Toward where the sun rises I guess." Korku turned to the direction where the sun had risen earlier and began to stride off, Grif and Lalin soon scrambling to catch up with him. "Korku, where are we going?" Lalin asked. Korku's eyes glowed with determination and certainty as he meowed, "We're going to find my kin."

Monday, April 21, 2014

FBN: Chapter 17~ Family Reunion

"Korku?" The tom asked again, but Korku just stared uneasily at him. "Do I...know you?" He growled. The tom tipped his head to one side. "I should think so." Korku's mind was blank. "Really? Are you sure you don't have me mistaken for someone else?" The tom circled him, sniffing. "Nope, I know exactly who you are. You surely can't have forgotten me?" Korku sighed and rolled his eyes. "I really don't know." The tom sat in front of him, a bit of hurt showing in his eyes. "I can't believe you could forget your own brother!" Korku froze, memories rushing back from his kithood. Wait..wait...yes! He was there! How could I not recognize him? "Grif! Is that you?" The tom perked up and nodded. "You remember! Korku! I can't believe it, I thought you were dead!" He purred, licking his younger brother's face. Korku laughed and pulled away, flicking his ears with his tail. "Grif, I've missed you and Iblis and Lach! Have you seen them? Recently?" Grif sighed and shook his head. "No...we got split up about...maybe 6 moons ago. I don't know where they are. Hey..Korku.." He sniffed again. "You're bleeding! What happened?" Korku shrugged, wincing slightly. "Rats. I handled it though." Grif laughed, his tail whipping back and forth. Korku's fur bristled. "What? What's so funny?" Grif laughed more then said, "Nothing, just- last time I saw you you were the runt. Now you're bigger than I am! How'd that happen?" Korku grinned and chuckled. "I don't know, maybe I was never the runt in the first place." Grif opened his jaws to speak, when Lalin pushed through the bushes. She dropped the burdock root she was carrying and meowed calmly but accusingly at Grif, "Who is this??"

FBN: Chapter 16~ Bitten By Surprise

Lalin gasped and ran over to Korku. "Oh thank you Korku! I'm so sorry, I should have helped, but I was just so scared! And now you're hurt!" Korku turned to her and huffed slightly, "Calm down, Lalin. I'm fine." That was a lie. The bites burned like fire in his blood. Lalin looked him over, not believing him. "But there's so many bites...we have to treat them." Korku rolled his eyes. "Lalin-" Lalin silenced him with a paw. "Korku, I may not be a good fighter, but I can tell when injuries need tending to. Now, we need Burdock root, and that's in the forest." A cold chill ran down Korku's spine at her words. The forest? But if I go back there- He shivered at the thought. But Lalin's eyes were full of determination, and Korku wasn't sure if he'd be able to persuade her otherwise. She nudged him with her muzzle. "C'mon, let's go." Korku reluctantly walked forward, toward the forest. Lalin trotted in front of him and led the way, tail high. I don't think she's ever been so serious. Korku laughed in his mind, his whiskers twitching slightly. They walked until the trees grew thick and the noise of the city faded away. Despite his uneasiness, he couldn't help but feel more comfortable among the plants and wood. Lalin halted near a log and nearly made Korku fall over. "Wait here, and I'll find you some herbs." She padded off, sniffing the air, and disappeared in a clump of fern. Korku sat and waited for what seemed like ages. As soon as the ferns rustled again, he turned his head away from the thrush he was looking at and opened his jaws to speak. But the cat who came out wasn't Lalin. It was a sleek, speckled tom. He stared curiously at Korku for a moment, then his eyes lit up and he meowed, "Korku? Is that you?"

FBN: Chapter 15~ Filthy Rats

Korku awoke to find that Lalin had vanished. Now where's she gone to? He thought irritably. he got to his paws and looked around, sniffing for her scent. Just as he picked it up, he heard a yowl around the corner. He darted toward the noise and saw Lalin trapped against a wall by large rats. There were only about five, but some of them were almost as big a Lalin. But not as big as me. He smirked, and charged toward the rats, yowling a challenge. The rats turned their heads and gave high-pitched squeals of anger. The largest leapt up to meet him and sunk it's razor-sharp front teeth into his shoulder. He growled and and bit down on it's back, throwing it off. Before he could react, another was on him, scrabbling for is throat. Then a third darted up and bit on his paw. Korku snarled and whipped the rat on his paw off, but the one on his back refused to budge. It squeaked defiance and bit down. Korku winced, turning his back to reach at it, but then two more leapt on him, throwing him off balance. He struggled to regain himself, but remained unsuccessful as the last two rats nipped at his hind legs. He toppled over, and the rats swarmed him, biting and clawing his flesh. He yowled angrily and swiped a heavy paw at one of the rats heads, sending it flying away. The others seemed not to care about their fallen comrade and continued to scrabble over Korku. This is ridiculous! They don't know when to quit! He snapped his jaws around a rat's spine, snapping it in between his teeth. he flung the dead rat aside and threw himself to his paws, flinging the remaining rats off. The three of them circled him, their beady red eyes glowing evilly. Korku narrowed his gaze and sprang forward, killing another rat with a powerful blow. This made the last two squeak anxiously, as if they were suddenly considering their chances. They turned and scampered away. Korku stared after them until they could no longer be seen. "Done and done."

Sunday, April 20, 2014

FBN Chapter 14~ Sleeping On Cold Stone

After a lot more wandering and hunting, the moon had risen once more over the city. The pair of cats found a place to sleep near one of the walls. Korku rested his head on his paws but couldn't make himself sleep. Too much had happened in one day than he ever thought possible. There were so many thoughts buzzing in his head he couldn't tell which was which. He sighed and shook his head. Stress will get me nowhere, I need to stay focused. His ears flicked and his thoughts switched. Focused on what? I don't know what I should do! I know I can't wander around here ...but where do I go? I can't go home, I never had one in the first place. If I go back to the cave...who knows what people will think? Not to mention I've got Lalin following me around everywhere. Why I'll never know... He flicked his gaze to the small, fluffy she-cat, who was fast asleep. He rolled over and laid on his back so he could look at the moon. Can't see many stars though. He observed. In the forest, there were so many stars, it was like a rippling river in the sunlight. Here, only the brightest could be seen in the black of night. Korku sighed and rolled over again, his cheek brushing the stone. He closed his eyes and hoped that the future would be better than the present.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

FBN: Chapter 13~ Wandering The Streets

Korku flattened his ears at all the noise. This is ridiculous! I can hardly hear myself think! He turned around and went back to alleys, relieved when the noise diminished. Lalin sighed. "So now what?" Korku threw her a glance. "How would I know? I've never been here before." Lalin dropped her gaze. "Sorry, I know. But surely you must have something in mind?" Korku snorted. Going back to the forest sounds nice. But..I can't do that. He looked around, thinking about somewhere to go, when his belly rumbled. Lalin tipped her head to one side, but Korku looked away, scowling. I need to eat something. He padded around a bit, sniffing the air with partly open jaws. Soon, he heard scrabbling nearby. Flicking his tail to tell Lalin to stop, he peered around a corner. Near a few shiny stumps there was a scrawny, but still edible, mouse. Crouching down, he crept forward. I suppose there are a few advantages of the city. Here, there's no sticks or leaves to give me away. Slowly he got as close as he could to his prey. Before the mouse could realize it was being hunted, Korku pounced, snatching the mouse tightly between his jaws. it wasn't as rich as he was used to, but he would have to get used it at some point.

Friday, April 18, 2014

FBN: Chapter 12~ City Bustle

The pair walked in silence fro a long while until Korku reluctantly asked, "What is this place anyway?" Lalin replied with haste, "This is the city. There's a lot of dangers here; twolegs, monsters, rats-" Korku cut her off with a flick of his tail. "Stop a minute. What are twolegs and monsters?" Lalin stopped and stared at him in shock. His neck fur fluffed up indignantly. "What? I don't know what they are!" He grumbled. Lalin jumped and meowed, "Sorry, I just thought everyone knew what they were. Monsters are these huge, shiny, vicious creatures that live on thunderpaths, which are really hard paths. Twolegs are these big, hairless creatures that walk on two legs and occasionally ride in the bellies of monsters."  Korku became more and more confused as Lalin continued, then finally just gave up trying to understand and began to walk again. The loud noises he had heard on his arrival grew stronger, and soon enough he began to see movement ahead. Lalin began to grow uneasy, and Korku stopped once more. "What is it now?" He flicked his tail irritably. Lalin's gaze flicked back and forth nervously. "There's a lot of twolegs over there, and I usually stick to the alleys.." Korku groaned. "Look, if you don't want to come, then don't, but I'm curious to see these twolegs and monsters." He turned around and kept going, not surprised to hear Lalin's soft pawsteps still following behind. He stepped out of the alleyway and nearly got stepped on by a large foot. He jumped out of the way swiftly, it only missing his tail by a whisker-length. A few paces away, large metallic beasts roared down a large black path. This is the city? Why would any cat want to live here?

FBN: Chapter 11~ Trust Is A Virtue

Korku stared at the she-cat, confused. "Saved you? How did I save you?" Lalin took a step forward, eyes glowing. "Had those cats caught me, they most likely would have killed me. Thanks to you, my life is least for now." Korku tipped his head to one side. I don't know about this cat. She seems..different somehow... He narrowed his eyes. "Here's a question for you: Why were they chasing you in the first place?" Lalin dropped her gaze. "I...I'm not normal. They don't want me near them because I'm different." Behind Korku, the sun began to rise, turning the sky light blue and making the stars vanish. As it slowly rose higher, more of Lalin's features began to show. Her eyes were very light in color, almost white. She had a large, fluffy tail. her pelt had a strange look, it was black with red tabby markings on one side, and white with swirly golden markings on the other. Korku looked down at his own dirty, bloodstained pelt disgracefully. "You're hurt." Lalin mewed quietly, noticing the bruises and cuts. Korku looked away. "I'm fine. There's nothing to concern yourself with. Now, it was nice to meet you, but I have to leave." He got to his paws and began to walk away, when he heard the exclamation, "No please! Wait! I don't want to be here by myself anymore! Let me come with you!" Korku stopped and closed his eyes, letting out a sigh. He turned his head and looked over his shoulder, then meowed gruffly, "Fine, since I don't know where I'm going anyway, you might as well come."

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

FBN: Chapter 10~ Chasing The Moon

"I haven't seen ya here before, where'r ya from ya pest?" The first cat growled, a strange accent changing his words. Korku lifted his head up. "It's not your concern." The second one growled in the same accent, "Well ya pelt's stained with blood, 'n that raises some questions." Korku glanced down at his dirty, bloodstained fur. Dang it. Dead giveaway. He looked back to the pair of cats. "Maybe I've been fighting, what's it to you?" The first one snorted. "Ya think ya can jus' come in 'ere and stop us from-" He cut off when the other shot him a look. Korku flicked his gaze at both of them. "Stop you from what? From chasing that cat? Maybe it's about time I ask you some questions." He tried to make his voice deeper, and he unsheathed his razor sharp claws. The cats exchanged a glance. "We don't ave to tell ya nothing!" The first hissed, while the second just nodded. Korku smirked, "Then why should I tell you about me. Go away you fleabags, before someone gets an eye clawed out." The two cats exchanged an anxious glance. "Fine, we'll leave, but not cause ya told us to!" The second meowed, and the two cats sprinted away. Korku waited until they were gone until he relaxed and sheathed his claws. He was licking the drying blood off his fur when a soft voice meowed, "Thank you for sending them away." Korku stopped and turned mid-lick to see a she-cat silhouetted against the setting moon. "Hello, my name is Lalin, or moon, and I would like to introduce myself to the cat who saved me."

Community Notice:

The Darkened Souls Communtity
I just want to take moment to tell you that I do have a community that takes place in the world I have in the story. You can choose to be an Untouched(Normal), a Half-blood(Half normal half demon), or a Dakened Soul (Demon). I also have 4 open camps if you want to create one. So I at least ask you to look it over if nothing else, though joining would be much appreciated, thank you!

FBN: Chapter 9~ Cold Winds

Korku stalked out into the moonlight, wind buffeting his fur. He could hear cries of dismay echoing from the cave, but he didn't turn around, or even stop. He knew who the cries were for. He knew that if he looked back, he would force himself to return to the cave, where he'd once again have to look at that limp, lifeless golden orange pelt. he shook his head violently and yowled in fury to the sky. As if in reply, the wind sped up, blowing harder. Korku dropped his head, his violet eyes filled with grief and streaming tears. "What am I doing? I can't possibly do anything to help Burnfire now, those cats are long gone. Why'd they kill him? Why not someone else? It's not fair!" He streaked into the woods, the wind carrying his paws across the undergrowth. He ran until he felt stone under his paws instead of grass and leaves, and the sounds of the forest had disappeared. Looking up, he realized he had never been here before. Large structures rose into the sky, and loud grumbles and other strange noises were coming from further in. Korku padded around, curious and confused at the same time. He was so lost in his new surroundings he didn't hear the sound of pawsteps rushing from his side. As quick as lighting, a cat zipped in front of him, nearly making him topple over. He scrambled to balance, turning his head to stare after the cat. Then another lump of fur crashed into him, and one more over him. Korku hissed, wriggling away from the tangled mess. "What the hell are you doing?!" One of the cats hissed getting to his paws. Korku snorted. "What business of yours is it?" The other cat stood up, his eyes shining evilly in the darkness. "I could be asking you the same thing."

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

FBN: Chapter 8~ The Fires Of Hatred

A loud screech jolted Korku out of his slumber. Burnfire brushed past him, yowling as he left, "On your paws, we're under attack!" Korku sprung to his paws and sped out of the den. His eyes widened with shock as he saw multiple cats swarming into the cave, with Sky Cloud's cats rushing to meet them. Korku searched for Burnfire, and finally spotted him near the front of the group, wresting with another cat. Korku unsheathed his claws and sprinted toward the intruders, hissing in anger. He was met by a gray-blue tom, who immediately lashed a paw toward his face. Korku ducked and raked his paw down the tom's shoulder, leaving red trails after his claws. The tom screeched and bit down on his paw, flinging him away. Korku frantically tried to stay on his paws, the slippery stone floor making him wobble. Before he could react, the tom was upon him, swinging at Korku left and right. He desperately tried to dodge, but kept getting hit by most of them. He backed away from the tom, panting, dust and bruises now covering his pelt. Korku spat into the dust and hurled himself at the tom, snarling. The tome reared to meet him, and the two cats fell tumbling into the ground. Claws flashed and jaws snapped, until Korku finally gave the tom a hard bit on his scruff, making him wriggle away and streak into the mob of fighting. Korku sneered and looked around. His heart stopped when he saw Burnfire surrounded by a group of cats. Without thinking, he charged straight for them, and knocked the first one he reached clean off his paws. Burnfire's eyes sparkled as he skidded to a halt beside him. "Came to help out an old cat like me eh? Well let's do it then!" He let out a fearsome roar and leaped into action, landing squarely on a cat's back. Korku lunged for the one beside him, raking his claws down the cat's face. The cat snarled in outrage and clawed Korku's flank. Korku hissed and bit the cat's tail, ripping out a few clumps of fur. He was just about ready to send this cat off when a cry of pain echoed across the cave walls. Korku spun around, time seeming to slow down, his blood turning to ice, when blood splashed onto his fur. One of the rouges stood triumphantly over a bloody lump of golden orange fur. "NO!" Korku screeched, running toward the murderer. But he turned tail and ran before Korku could reach him. Soon enough, the rest of the attackers fled as well, leaving Sky Cloud's cats to collect themselves. Korku crouched down next to Burnfire. His blue eyes were clouded and dull, and no breath came from him. Korku sank his claws into the cracks of stone. "No..." He whispered, his voice scarcely audible. Standing up, he whipped around, stalking toward the cave entrance. His bang fur covered his eyes, and his jaws were set in a snarl. I won't let them get away with this. He thought darkly. They will pay for what they've done.

FBN: Chapter 7~ Born Different

Many moons had past since  that first day, and Korku had grown remarkably strong. He was nearly a big as Burnfire now, and quite handsome. His claws were as sharp as thorns, his kitten fluff no more than a memory, all signs of timidness gone. He could tell that even Cold Ice was impressed with him. Yet, he couldn't shake off the feeling there was still a secret being kept from him. So one day, he finally asked Burnfire, "Hey, is there anything, well, special about me?" Burnfire laughed. "Special? What are you talking about Korku?" Korku rolled is eyes. "You know what I mean Burnfire. Am I....different?" Burnfire wrapped his thick tail around his paws. "Everyone's different Korku." He meowed gruffly, all signs of humor gone. Korku tipped his head to one side and stared at the golden orange tom. He finally gave up his silence and sighed, "Look kid, there are somethings that should be discovered by one's self. If you want to discover yourself, you have to look deep. Retrace the steps of your past, then focus on your future. But you must never get too far ahead of yourself, or you'll be lost to the present, you understand?" Korku nodded. "Good. One day you'll figure out who you are, it's not my job or anyone else's to tell you who to be. Just remember that, and stay true to yourself. That's all I can say to you about that, my friend." He got up slowly and padded off to his nest without another word. Korku stared after him, his mind buzzing with more questions that probably couldn't be answered. How can I find who I am in the future...If I don't know who I am now? He sighed and went to his own den, closing his eyes and waiting for sleep.

FBN: Chapter 6~ Training Day

About two moons later, Korku was no longer a scrawny helpless kit. He was fairly big for a kit his age, his muscles visible under his still fluffy pelt. He still didn't fully trust everyone in the cave, but he knew Burnfire would stay truthful to him. He nervously followed the big cat into a small, but still fairly large, cave. The floor had a shallow dip and was filled with sand. "This is the training cave." Burnfire meowed. "This is where we shall begin you training. I know I gave you simple exercises these first two moons, but now it's time to get down to business." He led Korku to the center of the sand. "First of all, let's just see how strong you are. Attack me." Korku blinked in shock. "Wh-what? Just like that?" Burnfire nodded ad crouched down. "C'mon, let's see what you can do." Korku nodded and crouched down as well. He flexed his shoulders and leaped. Burnfire quickly sidestepped and swiped an sheathed paw at him, sending him skidding in the dust. "Not a bad leap, but it was too straightforward. Any cat could have intercepted you." Korku got up and shook out his pelt to find Burnfire crouching again. "Alright, try again." He meowed. Korku crouched. I have to do something different. But how do I surprise him? He cast his gaze at his paws then suddenly darted forward. Burnfire reared up on his hind legs, ready to come crashing down, but Korku slipped around him and butted his thigh, making him lose his balance and topple over."Nicely done Korku, that was an impressive maneuver for one your age." Burnfire said as he shook out his pelt. Korku's heart warmed at his praise. Burnfire crouched down again. "Alright, this time I won't let you go so easily." Korku grinned and crouched down again, ready for another go.

Monday, April 14, 2014

FBN: Chapter 5~ A Friendly Face

Korku's eyes grew wide as a huge golden orange tom stalked out of the shadows. His fur was fluffy, and his muzzle was flat. He was nearly ten times Korku's size, and he was even bigger than Cold Ice. His blue eyes were glowing with a light fire. His voice was deep and hoarse as he meowed, "Pretty scrawny, aren't you? Don't you eat?" Korku could sense no hostility in his voice, but Korku was too stricken by his daunting figure to do no more than nod slightly. Burnfire bent down and eyed him curiously, making Korku stiffen. He gave a gruff laugh. "Well you nee to eat more then. Can't train you if you'll blow away in the wind." He brushed past the small kit, nearly toppling him over, and left the den. A few heartbeats later, he was back with a plump mouse in his jaws. He set it down in front of Korku, who stared at it with wide eyes. This thing is so fat! I've never seen prey like this. He slowly lifted his gaze up to Burnfire, who looked slightly confused. "What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost!" He chuckled. Korku gulped and stammered, "W-why are you being so n-nice to me? Everyone else here is m-mean." Burnfire laughed again. "Listen here squirt, I'll tell you something right now. Those cats out there take life far too seriously. All they know is how to catch prey and fight. But me, I try to expand my vision and take in what I can. Not to mention," He paused, winking, "The younger cats have a far greater potential than the older ones. So eat up, get stronger. Soon enough, you'll be fit to train." Korku relaxed at looked back down at the prey. He hesitated a moment longer, but he couldn't resist the juicy smell of the mouse, so he quickly ripped into it. Maybe it isn't too bad here after all.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

FBN: Chapter 4~ Strangers All Around

Korku shivered at all the noise and smells hurtling toward him. One cat, a silver and white tom, stalked toward the group. "Cold Ice, what is this?" He hissed, shooting his icy cold glare down at Korku. He flinched as Cold Ice meowed coolly, "A new recruit for our camp, Sky Cloud. You always talk about needing them." The cat snorted. "I talk about needing able-bodied cats, not sniveling kits!" Korku's pelt fluffed up, and he wriggled furiously to escape Cold Ice's grasp. "Let me go mouse-brain! This place is terrible!" He squeaked. Cold Ice growled and dropped him roughly, pinning him immediately with one paw. "Say that again, I dare you." He snarled, unsheathing his claws. Korku cried in pain, and tried to get away, only to stop when he heard a small chuckle. It was Sky Cloud's. "Ha, maybe you chose right after all. I've never seen a kit with such spite. Take him to Burnfire." he flicked his tail in dismissal and walked away, not waiting to see whether his order was obeyed. Cold Ice hissed and sheathed his claws, then shoved Korku to his paws. "Alright, move. I'm tired of carrying you." Korku winced and walked, thinking mutinous thoughts in his head. They walked until they reached a small cave, in which Cold Ice shoved him in. "Hey, Burnfire, I've got a new recruit for you."

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

FBN: Chapter 3~ Lonely Soul

Korku din't know how long he had been dangling form the rouge's jaws, but his scruff was hurting badly. But he daren't complain out of fear. "Hey Cold Ice, you sure we had to take him?" A rouge nearby asked. The rouge holding him snorted. "Of course, Light Sun, you know how little defense our camp has. This is a sacrifice that must be made." Light Sun dipped his head, but the second rouge asked, "Yeah, but why him? He's too young to be useful." Korku flattened his ears at the cat's comment. What do you know, dummy? But Cold Ice shot him a glare. "Kits grow. He'll soon learn to trust us. He's probably better off with us than by himself anyway." Korku couldn't help but let out a tiny growl. Cold Ice looked down at him. "Oh please, you know it's true. Listen, we're not bad cats, alright?" Korku sniffed in disbelief, but didn't reply. Soon after, the rouges slowed and entered a dark cave. Where are we going? What's in here? Korku shivered. Surprisingly, it began to get lighter the deeper they went. Korku stared in amazement as the cats entered a large opening, sunlight beaming in through a hole in the roof. There were cats everywhere, meowing to one another and passing through other tunnels. "Well kit," Cold Ice meowed, "Welcome to your new home, Sky Cloud's Camp."

Saturday, April 5, 2014

FBN: Chapter 2~ Into the Woods

"C'mon Korku! I think I smell a mouse!" Korku panted as he scrambled over a tree root, trying to catch up with his siblings. "Hang on, I'm coming!" He squeaked. He and his siblings were two moons old now, left to fend for themselves after their mother left. Korku couldn't remember much of that day, only that something had made his mother angry and she never came back once she left. "Korku! it's about time you got here you slowpoke." Iblis mewed as he arrived, nudging him on the shoulder. "Shhh! You're gonna scare the mouse!" Grif whispered, who was crouched down next to Lach. He had his ears pricked up, and was staring into the bushes. Korku flattened himself to the ground and watched as Lach crept forward, trying to keep his paws from cracking any leaves. Lach's amazing at hunting. He learned all by himself, and he's been keeping us alive. Korku's heart sparked with admiration. Suddenly, Lach sprung into a bush, and there was a loud squeak. Korku's ears pricked up and a heartbeat later Lach came back out, the mouse clasped in his jaws. "Yay! You caught it!" Lach smiled as his brother praised him. "It was nothing, really." Iblis opened her jaws to speak, when a rough voice meowed. "You're right about that." Lach spun around just in time to see a large tomcat swipe him away. "Hey! Leave him alone!" Korku squealed. The tom turned his gaze on him, and Korku felt is blood turn to ice. "Looks like we've got a fighter here boys." He sneered as more cats appeared behind him. Two of them snuck behind Iblis and Grif, snatching them in their jaws. "Eep! Korku, help!" Iblis cried. Korku darted forward to his sister, but was thrown back by a huge paw. He tumbled into the dust, and waited a moment before shakily standing up. Now Lach was captured as well, dangling helplessly from a rouge's jaws. "Let them go!" Korku mewed, fear cracking his voice. The main cat thrust his face into his. "Fine, we'll let these prey-thieves go, under one condition." He bit down on Korku's scruff and lifted him into the air. "We get to take you!" Korku squealed and wriggled to escape. "Boys, let the other brats go. This one's got enough spirit to go around." He laughed through his teeth. The other rouges dropped his siblings and darted off. The rouge holding him spun around and followed after. Korku let out a wail of despair as the sounds of his kin calling him died away.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

FBN: Chapter 1~ The Love of a Mother

"I can't believe you did this to me! I thought you loved me!" A light brown she-cat snarled at the dark tom before her, thrusting herself into his face. The tom growled and shoved her away. "I do love you! That's what you can seem to understand! Ilu, you're my mate, why don't you realize that?" The she-cat curled her lip, malice burning in her eyes. "Just leave. I don't ever want to see your hideous face around me or my kits again!" She unsheathed her claws and took a step forward, fluffing up her pelt. The tom wrinkled his nose in disgust. "Fine! But don't come crawling back to me when you can't handle the pressure!" Without another word, he whipped around and strode off until he was no longer visible. Ilu hissed after him and whipped around to the bush where her den lay. Inside lay four small kits. When she gazed upon them, however, no warmth or love entered her eyes. All that glowed in them was hate and cold fire. "It's about time I name you." She hissed. The kits mewled, frightened by the harsh noise. "The she-cat's name shall be Iblis, to stand for the demon their father was. The speckled tom's name: Grif, for the claw wrenched in my heart. The tabby tom's name: Lach, for what the empty hole that replaces my heart. And this one-" She turned her hard gaze on the smallest, a brown tom with black and red markings. She whispered cruelly in his small ears, "Your name is Korku, for all the fear your pitiful life will contain." She stepped away and let her gaze look over her kits for the last time before stalking roughly out of the den. As she vanished, a bolt of lightning flashed overhead, and thunder roared across the sky. It was more than loud enough to cover the mournful wailing of the newly orphaned kits, crying in fear and sadness.

Feared by Nature: Prolouge

The dark, cold wind whipped violently over the shadowy hills. Trees swayed back and forth in fury, their roots the only thing stopping them from flying off into the black of night. The white glow of the of the full moon flashed between the racing clouds. One of the silver beams fell upon a lone figure. The blood of the fallen stained his pelt, and tear streaks carved paths down his cheeks. Far behind him, a faint glow lit the dark sky. But he daren't look back, for he knew he could not bear to see the smoldering wreckage, the dead bodies, the fleeing survivors. The reek of death still filled his nose, and he nearly gagged on it. I never wanted this. It should not have ended this way. He thought despairingly as he lifted his head to stare at the moon. He suddenly cried in pain and sank to the ground, pain spiking his heart like a talon. In a voice too quiet for anyone to hear, he whispered, "I'm so sorry, my dearest love. I wish we could have said goodbye." His eyes slowly closed, but the wind raged on, and the moon continues to shine.


So..for those of you who are confused on what this is, It's a story. Just something I feel like putting together for my free time. Read it if you want to, and enjoy if you do. Main character depicted below. You want know what the story's about? Stay tuned.