Wednesday, April 16, 2014

FBN: Chapter 9~ Cold Winds

Korku stalked out into the moonlight, wind buffeting his fur. He could hear cries of dismay echoing from the cave, but he didn't turn around, or even stop. He knew who the cries were for. He knew that if he looked back, he would force himself to return to the cave, where he'd once again have to look at that limp, lifeless golden orange pelt. he shook his head violently and yowled in fury to the sky. As if in reply, the wind sped up, blowing harder. Korku dropped his head, his violet eyes filled with grief and streaming tears. "What am I doing? I can't possibly do anything to help Burnfire now, those cats are long gone. Why'd they kill him? Why not someone else? It's not fair!" He streaked into the woods, the wind carrying his paws across the undergrowth. He ran until he felt stone under his paws instead of grass and leaves, and the sounds of the forest had disappeared. Looking up, he realized he had never been here before. Large structures rose into the sky, and loud grumbles and other strange noises were coming from further in. Korku padded around, curious and confused at the same time. He was so lost in his new surroundings he didn't hear the sound of pawsteps rushing from his side. As quick as lighting, a cat zipped in front of him, nearly making him topple over. He scrambled to balance, turning his head to stare after the cat. Then another lump of fur crashed into him, and one more over him. Korku hissed, wriggling away from the tangled mess. "What the hell are you doing?!" One of the cats hissed getting to his paws. Korku snorted. "What business of yours is it?" The other cat stood up, his eyes shining evilly in the darkness. "I could be asking you the same thing."

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