Sunday, April 20, 2014

FBN Chapter 14~ Sleeping On Cold Stone

After a lot more wandering and hunting, the moon had risen once more over the city. The pair of cats found a place to sleep near one of the walls. Korku rested his head on his paws but couldn't make himself sleep. Too much had happened in one day than he ever thought possible. There were so many thoughts buzzing in his head he couldn't tell which was which. He sighed and shook his head. Stress will get me nowhere, I need to stay focused. His ears flicked and his thoughts switched. Focused on what? I don't know what I should do! I know I can't wander around here ...but where do I go? I can't go home, I never had one in the first place. If I go back to the cave...who knows what people will think? Not to mention I've got Lalin following me around everywhere. Why I'll never know... He flicked his gaze to the small, fluffy she-cat, who was fast asleep. He rolled over and laid on his back so he could look at the moon. Can't see many stars though. He observed. In the forest, there were so many stars, it was like a rippling river in the sunlight. Here, only the brightest could be seen in the black of night. Korku sighed and rolled over again, his cheek brushing the stone. He closed his eyes and hoped that the future would be better than the present.

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