Friday, April 18, 2014

FBN: Chapter 12~ City Bustle

The pair walked in silence fro a long while until Korku reluctantly asked, "What is this place anyway?" Lalin replied with haste, "This is the city. There's a lot of dangers here; twolegs, monsters, rats-" Korku cut her off with a flick of his tail. "Stop a minute. What are twolegs and monsters?" Lalin stopped and stared at him in shock. His neck fur fluffed up indignantly. "What? I don't know what they are!" He grumbled. Lalin jumped and meowed, "Sorry, I just thought everyone knew what they were. Monsters are these huge, shiny, vicious creatures that live on thunderpaths, which are really hard paths. Twolegs are these big, hairless creatures that walk on two legs and occasionally ride in the bellies of monsters."  Korku became more and more confused as Lalin continued, then finally just gave up trying to understand and began to walk again. The loud noises he had heard on his arrival grew stronger, and soon enough he began to see movement ahead. Lalin began to grow uneasy, and Korku stopped once more. "What is it now?" He flicked his tail irritably. Lalin's gaze flicked back and forth nervously. "There's a lot of twolegs over there, and I usually stick to the alleys.." Korku groaned. "Look, if you don't want to come, then don't, but I'm curious to see these twolegs and monsters." He turned around and kept going, not surprised to hear Lalin's soft pawsteps still following behind. He stepped out of the alleyway and nearly got stepped on by a large foot. He jumped out of the way swiftly, it only missing his tail by a whisker-length. A few paces away, large metallic beasts roared down a large black path. This is the city? Why would any cat want to live here?

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