Tuesday, April 1, 2014

FBN: Chapter 1~ The Love of a Mother

"I can't believe you did this to me! I thought you loved me!" A light brown she-cat snarled at the dark tom before her, thrusting herself into his face. The tom growled and shoved her away. "I do love you! That's what you can seem to understand! Ilu, you're my mate, why don't you realize that?" The she-cat curled her lip, malice burning in her eyes. "Just leave. I don't ever want to see your hideous face around me or my kits again!" She unsheathed her claws and took a step forward, fluffing up her pelt. The tom wrinkled his nose in disgust. "Fine! But don't come crawling back to me when you can't handle the pressure!" Without another word, he whipped around and strode off until he was no longer visible. Ilu hissed after him and whipped around to the bush where her den lay. Inside lay four small kits. When she gazed upon them, however, no warmth or love entered her eyes. All that glowed in them was hate and cold fire. "It's about time I name you." She hissed. The kits mewled, frightened by the harsh noise. "The she-cat's name shall be Iblis, to stand for the demon their father was. The speckled tom's name: Grif, for the claw wrenched in my heart. The tabby tom's name: Lach, for what the empty hole that replaces my heart. And this one-" She turned her hard gaze on the smallest, a brown tom with black and red markings. She whispered cruelly in his small ears, "Your name is Korku, for all the fear your pitiful life will contain." She stepped away and let her gaze look over her kits for the last time before stalking roughly out of the den. As she vanished, a bolt of lightning flashed overhead, and thunder roared across the sky. It was more than loud enough to cover the mournful wailing of the newly orphaned kits, crying in fear and sadness.

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