Wednesday, April 9, 2014

FBN: Chapter 3~ Lonely Soul

Korku din't know how long he had been dangling form the rouge's jaws, but his scruff was hurting badly. But he daren't complain out of fear. "Hey Cold Ice, you sure we had to take him?" A rouge nearby asked. The rouge holding him snorted. "Of course, Light Sun, you know how little defense our camp has. This is a sacrifice that must be made." Light Sun dipped his head, but the second rouge asked, "Yeah, but why him? He's too young to be useful." Korku flattened his ears at the cat's comment. What do you know, dummy? But Cold Ice shot him a glare. "Kits grow. He'll soon learn to trust us. He's probably better off with us than by himself anyway." Korku couldn't help but let out a tiny growl. Cold Ice looked down at him. "Oh please, you know it's true. Listen, we're not bad cats, alright?" Korku sniffed in disbelief, but didn't reply. Soon after, the rouges slowed and entered a dark cave. Where are we going? What's in here? Korku shivered. Surprisingly, it began to get lighter the deeper they went. Korku stared in amazement as the cats entered a large opening, sunlight beaming in through a hole in the roof. There were cats everywhere, meowing to one another and passing through other tunnels. "Well kit," Cold Ice meowed, "Welcome to your new home, Sky Cloud's Camp."

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