Saturday, April 5, 2014

FBN: Chapter 2~ Into the Woods

"C'mon Korku! I think I smell a mouse!" Korku panted as he scrambled over a tree root, trying to catch up with his siblings. "Hang on, I'm coming!" He squeaked. He and his siblings were two moons old now, left to fend for themselves after their mother left. Korku couldn't remember much of that day, only that something had made his mother angry and she never came back once she left. "Korku! it's about time you got here you slowpoke." Iblis mewed as he arrived, nudging him on the shoulder. "Shhh! You're gonna scare the mouse!" Grif whispered, who was crouched down next to Lach. He had his ears pricked up, and was staring into the bushes. Korku flattened himself to the ground and watched as Lach crept forward, trying to keep his paws from cracking any leaves. Lach's amazing at hunting. He learned all by himself, and he's been keeping us alive. Korku's heart sparked with admiration. Suddenly, Lach sprung into a bush, and there was a loud squeak. Korku's ears pricked up and a heartbeat later Lach came back out, the mouse clasped in his jaws. "Yay! You caught it!" Lach smiled as his brother praised him. "It was nothing, really." Iblis opened her jaws to speak, when a rough voice meowed. "You're right about that." Lach spun around just in time to see a large tomcat swipe him away. "Hey! Leave him alone!" Korku squealed. The tom turned his gaze on him, and Korku felt is blood turn to ice. "Looks like we've got a fighter here boys." He sneered as more cats appeared behind him. Two of them snuck behind Iblis and Grif, snatching them in their jaws. "Eep! Korku, help!" Iblis cried. Korku darted forward to his sister, but was thrown back by a huge paw. He tumbled into the dust, and waited a moment before shakily standing up. Now Lach was captured as well, dangling helplessly from a rouge's jaws. "Let them go!" Korku mewed, fear cracking his voice. The main cat thrust his face into his. "Fine, we'll let these prey-thieves go, under one condition." He bit down on Korku's scruff and lifted him into the air. "We get to take you!" Korku squealed and wriggled to escape. "Boys, let the other brats go. This one's got enough spirit to go around." He laughed through his teeth. The other rouges dropped his siblings and darted off. The rouge holding him spun around and followed after. Korku let out a wail of despair as the sounds of his kin calling him died away.

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