Tuesday, April 15, 2014

FBN: Chapter 8~ The Fires Of Hatred

A loud screech jolted Korku out of his slumber. Burnfire brushed past him, yowling as he left, "On your paws, we're under attack!" Korku sprung to his paws and sped out of the den. His eyes widened with shock as he saw multiple cats swarming into the cave, with Sky Cloud's cats rushing to meet them. Korku searched for Burnfire, and finally spotted him near the front of the group, wresting with another cat. Korku unsheathed his claws and sprinted toward the intruders, hissing in anger. He was met by a gray-blue tom, who immediately lashed a paw toward his face. Korku ducked and raked his paw down the tom's shoulder, leaving red trails after his claws. The tom screeched and bit down on his paw, flinging him away. Korku frantically tried to stay on his paws, the slippery stone floor making him wobble. Before he could react, the tom was upon him, swinging at Korku left and right. He desperately tried to dodge, but kept getting hit by most of them. He backed away from the tom, panting, dust and bruises now covering his pelt. Korku spat into the dust and hurled himself at the tom, snarling. The tome reared to meet him, and the two cats fell tumbling into the ground. Claws flashed and jaws snapped, until Korku finally gave the tom a hard bit on his scruff, making him wriggle away and streak into the mob of fighting. Korku sneered and looked around. His heart stopped when he saw Burnfire surrounded by a group of cats. Without thinking, he charged straight for them, and knocked the first one he reached clean off his paws. Burnfire's eyes sparkled as he skidded to a halt beside him. "Came to help out an old cat like me eh? Well let's do it then!" He let out a fearsome roar and leaped into action, landing squarely on a cat's back. Korku lunged for the one beside him, raking his claws down the cat's face. The cat snarled in outrage and clawed Korku's flank. Korku hissed and bit the cat's tail, ripping out a few clumps of fur. He was just about ready to send this cat off when a cry of pain echoed across the cave walls. Korku spun around, time seeming to slow down, his blood turning to ice, when blood splashed onto his fur. One of the rouges stood triumphantly over a bloody lump of golden orange fur. "NO!" Korku screeched, running toward the murderer. But he turned tail and ran before Korku could reach him. Soon enough, the rest of the attackers fled as well, leaving Sky Cloud's cats to collect themselves. Korku crouched down next to Burnfire. His blue eyes were clouded and dull, and no breath came from him. Korku sank his claws into the cracks of stone. "No..." He whispered, his voice scarcely audible. Standing up, he whipped around, stalking toward the cave entrance. His bang fur covered his eyes, and his jaws were set in a snarl. I won't let them get away with this. He thought darkly. They will pay for what they've done.

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