Sunday, April 13, 2014

FBN: Chapter 4~ Strangers All Around

Korku shivered at all the noise and smells hurtling toward him. One cat, a silver and white tom, stalked toward the group. "Cold Ice, what is this?" He hissed, shooting his icy cold glare down at Korku. He flinched as Cold Ice meowed coolly, "A new recruit for our camp, Sky Cloud. You always talk about needing them." The cat snorted. "I talk about needing able-bodied cats, not sniveling kits!" Korku's pelt fluffed up, and he wriggled furiously to escape Cold Ice's grasp. "Let me go mouse-brain! This place is terrible!" He squeaked. Cold Ice growled and dropped him roughly, pinning him immediately with one paw. "Say that again, I dare you." He snarled, unsheathing his claws. Korku cried in pain, and tried to get away, only to stop when he heard a small chuckle. It was Sky Cloud's. "Ha, maybe you chose right after all. I've never seen a kit with such spite. Take him to Burnfire." he flicked his tail in dismissal and walked away, not waiting to see whether his order was obeyed. Cold Ice hissed and sheathed his claws, then shoved Korku to his paws. "Alright, move. I'm tired of carrying you." Korku winced and walked, thinking mutinous thoughts in his head. They walked until they reached a small cave, in which Cold Ice shoved him in. "Hey, Burnfire, I've got a new recruit for you."

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