Saturday, April 19, 2014

FBN: Chapter 13~ Wandering The Streets

Korku flattened his ears at all the noise. This is ridiculous! I can hardly hear myself think! He turned around and went back to alleys, relieved when the noise diminished. Lalin sighed. "So now what?" Korku threw her a glance. "How would I know? I've never been here before." Lalin dropped her gaze. "Sorry, I know. But surely you must have something in mind?" Korku snorted. Going back to the forest sounds nice. But..I can't do that. He looked around, thinking about somewhere to go, when his belly rumbled. Lalin tipped her head to one side, but Korku looked away, scowling. I need to eat something. He padded around a bit, sniffing the air with partly open jaws. Soon, he heard scrabbling nearby. Flicking his tail to tell Lalin to stop, he peered around a corner. Near a few shiny stumps there was a scrawny, but still edible, mouse. Crouching down, he crept forward. I suppose there are a few advantages of the city. Here, there's no sticks or leaves to give me away. Slowly he got as close as he could to his prey. Before the mouse could realize it was being hunted, Korku pounced, snatching the mouse tightly between his jaws. it wasn't as rich as he was used to, but he would have to get used it at some point.

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