Tuesday, April 15, 2014

FBN: Chapter 6~ Training Day

About two moons later, Korku was no longer a scrawny helpless kit. He was fairly big for a kit his age, his muscles visible under his still fluffy pelt. He still didn't fully trust everyone in the cave, but he knew Burnfire would stay truthful to him. He nervously followed the big cat into a small, but still fairly large, cave. The floor had a shallow dip and was filled with sand. "This is the training cave." Burnfire meowed. "This is where we shall begin you training. I know I gave you simple exercises these first two moons, but now it's time to get down to business." He led Korku to the center of the sand. "First of all, let's just see how strong you are. Attack me." Korku blinked in shock. "Wh-what? Just like that?" Burnfire nodded ad crouched down. "C'mon, let's see what you can do." Korku nodded and crouched down as well. He flexed his shoulders and leaped. Burnfire quickly sidestepped and swiped an sheathed paw at him, sending him skidding in the dust. "Not a bad leap, but it was too straightforward. Any cat could have intercepted you." Korku got up and shook out his pelt to find Burnfire crouching again. "Alright, try again." He meowed. Korku crouched. I have to do something different. But how do I surprise him? He cast his gaze at his paws then suddenly darted forward. Burnfire reared up on his hind legs, ready to come crashing down, but Korku slipped around him and butted his thigh, making him lose his balance and topple over."Nicely done Korku, that was an impressive maneuver for one your age." Burnfire said as he shook out his pelt. Korku's heart warmed at his praise. Burnfire crouched down again. "Alright, this time I won't let you go so easily." Korku grinned and crouched down again, ready for another go.

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