Friday, April 18, 2014

FBN: Chapter 11~ Trust Is A Virtue

Korku stared at the she-cat, confused. "Saved you? How did I save you?" Lalin took a step forward, eyes glowing. "Had those cats caught me, they most likely would have killed me. Thanks to you, my life is least for now." Korku tipped his head to one side. I don't know about this cat. She seems..different somehow... He narrowed his eyes. "Here's a question for you: Why were they chasing you in the first place?" Lalin dropped her gaze. "I...I'm not normal. They don't want me near them because I'm different." Behind Korku, the sun began to rise, turning the sky light blue and making the stars vanish. As it slowly rose higher, more of Lalin's features began to show. Her eyes were very light in color, almost white. She had a large, fluffy tail. her pelt had a strange look, it was black with red tabby markings on one side, and white with swirly golden markings on the other. Korku looked down at his own dirty, bloodstained pelt disgracefully. "You're hurt." Lalin mewed quietly, noticing the bruises and cuts. Korku looked away. "I'm fine. There's nothing to concern yourself with. Now, it was nice to meet you, but I have to leave." He got to his paws and began to walk away, when he heard the exclamation, "No please! Wait! I don't want to be here by myself anymore! Let me come with you!" Korku stopped and closed his eyes, letting out a sigh. He turned his head and looked over his shoulder, then meowed gruffly, "Fine, since I don't know where I'm going anyway, you might as well come."

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