Monday, April 14, 2014

FBN: Chapter 5~ A Friendly Face

Korku's eyes grew wide as a huge golden orange tom stalked out of the shadows. His fur was fluffy, and his muzzle was flat. He was nearly ten times Korku's size, and he was even bigger than Cold Ice. His blue eyes were glowing with a light fire. His voice was deep and hoarse as he meowed, "Pretty scrawny, aren't you? Don't you eat?" Korku could sense no hostility in his voice, but Korku was too stricken by his daunting figure to do no more than nod slightly. Burnfire bent down and eyed him curiously, making Korku stiffen. He gave a gruff laugh. "Well you nee to eat more then. Can't train you if you'll blow away in the wind." He brushed past the small kit, nearly toppling him over, and left the den. A few heartbeats later, he was back with a plump mouse in his jaws. He set it down in front of Korku, who stared at it with wide eyes. This thing is so fat! I've never seen prey like this. He slowly lifted his gaze up to Burnfire, who looked slightly confused. "What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost!" He chuckled. Korku gulped and stammered, "W-why are you being so n-nice to me? Everyone else here is m-mean." Burnfire laughed again. "Listen here squirt, I'll tell you something right now. Those cats out there take life far too seriously. All they know is how to catch prey and fight. But me, I try to expand my vision and take in what I can. Not to mention," He paused, winking, "The younger cats have a far greater potential than the older ones. So eat up, get stronger. Soon enough, you'll be fit to train." Korku relaxed at looked back down at the prey. He hesitated a moment longer, but he couldn't resist the juicy smell of the mouse, so he quickly ripped into it. Maybe it isn't too bad here after all.

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