Monday, April 21, 2014

FBN: Chapter 15~ Filthy Rats

Korku awoke to find that Lalin had vanished. Now where's she gone to? He thought irritably. he got to his paws and looked around, sniffing for her scent. Just as he picked it up, he heard a yowl around the corner. He darted toward the noise and saw Lalin trapped against a wall by large rats. There were only about five, but some of them were almost as big a Lalin. But not as big as me. He smirked, and charged toward the rats, yowling a challenge. The rats turned their heads and gave high-pitched squeals of anger. The largest leapt up to meet him and sunk it's razor-sharp front teeth into his shoulder. He growled and and bit down on it's back, throwing it off. Before he could react, another was on him, scrabbling for is throat. Then a third darted up and bit on his paw. Korku snarled and whipped the rat on his paw off, but the one on his back refused to budge. It squeaked defiance and bit down. Korku winced, turning his back to reach at it, but then two more leapt on him, throwing him off balance. He struggled to regain himself, but remained unsuccessful as the last two rats nipped at his hind legs. He toppled over, and the rats swarmed him, biting and clawing his flesh. He yowled angrily and swiped a heavy paw at one of the rats heads, sending it flying away. The others seemed not to care about their fallen comrade and continued to scrabble over Korku. This is ridiculous! They don't know when to quit! He snapped his jaws around a rat's spine, snapping it in between his teeth. he flung the dead rat aside and threw himself to his paws, flinging the remaining rats off. The three of them circled him, their beady red eyes glowing evilly. Korku narrowed his gaze and sprang forward, killing another rat with a powerful blow. This made the last two squeak anxiously, as if they were suddenly considering their chances. They turned and scampered away. Korku stared after them until they could no longer be seen. "Done and done."

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