Monday, April 21, 2014

FBN: Chapter 16~ Bitten By Surprise

Lalin gasped and ran over to Korku. "Oh thank you Korku! I'm so sorry, I should have helped, but I was just so scared! And now you're hurt!" Korku turned to her and huffed slightly, "Calm down, Lalin. I'm fine." That was a lie. The bites burned like fire in his blood. Lalin looked him over, not believing him. "But there's so many bites...we have to treat them." Korku rolled his eyes. "Lalin-" Lalin silenced him with a paw. "Korku, I may not be a good fighter, but I can tell when injuries need tending to. Now, we need Burdock root, and that's in the forest." A cold chill ran down Korku's spine at her words. The forest? But if I go back there- He shivered at the thought. But Lalin's eyes were full of determination, and Korku wasn't sure if he'd be able to persuade her otherwise. She nudged him with her muzzle. "C'mon, let's go." Korku reluctantly walked forward, toward the forest. Lalin trotted in front of him and led the way, tail high. I don't think she's ever been so serious. Korku laughed in his mind, his whiskers twitching slightly. They walked until the trees grew thick and the noise of the city faded away. Despite his uneasiness, he couldn't help but feel more comfortable among the plants and wood. Lalin halted near a log and nearly made Korku fall over. "Wait here, and I'll find you some herbs." She padded off, sniffing the air, and disappeared in a clump of fern. Korku sat and waited for what seemed like ages. As soon as the ferns rustled again, he turned his head away from the thrush he was looking at and opened his jaws to speak. But the cat who came out wasn't Lalin. It was a sleek, speckled tom. He stared curiously at Korku for a moment, then his eyes lit up and he meowed, "Korku? Is that you?"

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