Tuesday, April 15, 2014

FBN: Chapter 7~ Born Different

Many moons had past since  that first day, and Korku had grown remarkably strong. He was nearly a big as Burnfire now, and quite handsome. His claws were as sharp as thorns, his kitten fluff no more than a memory, all signs of timidness gone. He could tell that even Cold Ice was impressed with him. Yet, he couldn't shake off the feeling there was still a secret being kept from him. So one day, he finally asked Burnfire, "Hey, is there anything, well, special about me?" Burnfire laughed. "Special? What are you talking about Korku?" Korku rolled is eyes. "You know what I mean Burnfire. Am I....different?" Burnfire wrapped his thick tail around his paws. "Everyone's different Korku." He meowed gruffly, all signs of humor gone. Korku tipped his head to one side and stared at the golden orange tom. He finally gave up his silence and sighed, "Look kid, there are somethings that should be discovered by one's self. If you want to discover yourself, you have to look deep. Retrace the steps of your past, then focus on your future. But you must never get too far ahead of yourself, or you'll be lost to the present, you understand?" Korku nodded. "Good. One day you'll figure out who you are, it's not my job or anyone else's to tell you who to be. Just remember that, and stay true to yourself. That's all I can say to you about that, my friend." He got up slowly and padded off to his nest without another word. Korku stared after him, his mind buzzing with more questions that probably couldn't be answered. How can I find who I am in the future...If I don't know who I am now? He sighed and went to his own den, closing his eyes and waiting for sleep.

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