Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Feared by Nature: Prolouge

The dark, cold wind whipped violently over the shadowy hills. Trees swayed back and forth in fury, their roots the only thing stopping them from flying off into the black of night. The white glow of the of the full moon flashed between the racing clouds. One of the silver beams fell upon a lone figure. The blood of the fallen stained his pelt, and tear streaks carved paths down his cheeks. Far behind him, a faint glow lit the dark sky. But he daren't look back, for he knew he could not bear to see the smoldering wreckage, the dead bodies, the fleeing survivors. The reek of death still filled his nose, and he nearly gagged on it. I never wanted this. It should not have ended this way. He thought despairingly as he lifted his head to stare at the moon. He suddenly cried in pain and sank to the ground, pain spiking his heart like a talon. In a voice too quiet for anyone to hear, he whispered, "I'm so sorry, my dearest love. I wish we could have said goodbye." His eyes slowly closed, but the wind raged on, and the moon continues to shine.

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